Project Women’s Ladder Of Hope

Rohingya women and girls are amongst the most affected victims of the genocide in Myanmar and face even greater hardship and vulnerabilities in the refugee camps of Bangladesh. Most women and girls are either survivors of, or witnesses to the gender-based violence in Myanmar. In the camps they face multiple challenges including insecurity, violence, and extremely limited freedom of movement. Their lives and freedoms are heavily constrained by the control that their communities have over marriage and education. Alongside lack of decent work, poor living conditions, insecurity and inadequate education opportunities, child marriages and polygamy have increased markedly. These vulnerable women and girls are targeted by human traffickers and smugglers to leave the camps for neighbouring countries, particularly Malaysia and Thailand.
Commencing in late 2023, Project WOMEN’S LADDER OF HOPE is designed to provide vulnerable women and female youth with the skills to support themselves and their family independent of the refugee camp environment. The program has three subprograms: Tailoring Microfinance; English, Numeracy and Business Skill Education; and Counselling. The objective of this program is to empower women in the camps to break the cycle of poverty. Together, this holistic program will encourage women to live independently, and to recognise and validate their collective identity. Through this program, these women will achieve valuable skills and begin to reach economic independence. This will minimize systemic financial burdens and the consequent mental, emotional, and physical problems that accompany it. The program has a strong focus on improving mental health which will contribute to the success of the microenterprises, and the women’s long-term health in the camps.