Clean Cookstove and Sustainable Biofuel Program

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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time


Our work – Project Clean Cooking

The Clean Cookstove and Sustainable Biofuel Program, known internally as Project Clean Cooking, is designed to provide vulnerable women and their family with a sustainable and renewable cooking stove and ongoing monthly supply of biofuel. 

Nearly 3 billion people cook their food on an open fire, causing devastating effects on health and climate. Smoke from open fires contributes to deadly indoor air pollution, which, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), kills around 3.8 million people per year. Smoke from the open fire also contains black carbon, or soot, a part of fine particulate air pollution that contributes to climate change. Black carbon has a warming impact on climate 460-1500 times stronger than CO2 per unit mass.

While many cooking stoves in the camp have been converted to gas, natural gas is yet another fossil fuel that further depletes our planet. 

Clean Cookstoves and Sustainable Biofuels

EarthChildren is combating these detrimental environmental and health effects through the use of clean cookstoves, which are portable, created from recyclable and renewable materials, inexpensive, and produce very little smoke. The stoves are powered by biobricks made from compressed rice waste and sourced from local producers. The fuel itself will drastically reduce the current dependency on fossil fuels and the collection of firewood in the camps of Bangladesh. EarthChildren is also creating open communal cooking areas equipped with our cookstoves to allow families to come together, cook cleanly and safely, build community and memories, give back to our planet, and live sustainably


Refugee Camps, like many settlements, place significant pressure on their natural environment from activities such as encroachment and deforestation. In adequate systems, such as unsafe housing, food and energy production, and waste management further exacerbate these pressures. Project Clean Cooking is part of EarthChildren’s larger Project Sustainable Cities program that addresses these big issues. However, we all need to start somewhere. For as little as $25.00 per month, we can provide each family with a renewable cooking solution that supports both the individual, the family, and our planet home.